08-25-2003, 12:04 PM
Yes, that's right. Me. All me. Without me, AAN wouldn't exist, or at least wouldn't exist in its current form. Yea, yea, I know - but here goes -
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when, when mappers frequented these boards, and everyone was having a grand old time - I call it PBJ (not Peanut Butter and Jelly you fucking moron. . hake: ), Pre-Bazooka_Joe, I had the smart idea to create a server where all of us could just have fun, screw around and all - RD and I tossed the idea back and forth and he eventually took the ball and started the server. It was there that such Aa.COM luminaries as Winters, Judas, ChickenBoo, Ghostrider, etc got introduced to each other and from there god knows how many clans were spawned. Including the boys of POACC, LLC, and - ahem OTD.
AAN's server popped up while AA.COM was nearing its end, and bam - there you go. A fullblown community.
The rest as they say is history. A sad, horrible horrible history.