breakthrough cheat question -
09-14-2003, 10:41 AM
last night i ran breakthrough on my server. i have 20 or so regulars who play most every night. we always have spectator chat on all the time. the players talk to eachother while they wait on the next game to begin but are not allowed to give positions or help the players who are still in the game...having said that heres the question that came up.
in the liberation mode players are put in jail when killed. they respawn in jail. would you consider those player prisoneers and able to call out the location of axis or allied players they can see from the jail or should they be considered the same as in spectators and remain quiet about what they see.
a player whos in spectator is able to follow players during the game as you know and are considered dead. some consider the players in this game in jail and should be able to help their team. so what do you guys think. thanks for any serious responces.