Your Celebrity Encounters.. -
10-20-2003, 11:38 AM
sup guys, i finally got out of the house this weekend to go visit my sis in Atlanta, Georgia. We (family)went to the Lenox mall (yes L E N O X FOR THE GEEKS) in midtown Atl with my sister's friends. Ok im from birmingham al (duhh <---) and ive never EVER EVER EVA EVA EVA seen a celebrity in my entire life b/c they dont visit bham much and when they do their wherabouts are classified. Anyways, we enter the mall and we see friggin Whiteny Housten & Bobby Brown walking right past us (like 3 ft away) with her 1 bodyguard. I did happen to see a white powedery substance on her nouse though guys. Anyways, atl is awesome and the girls...... the girls are hella gourgous.
i know u guys have seen celebrities b4...?