bush -
11-27-2003, 08:25 PM
seems a lot hate bush. he's not good at speeches and has lied. but why can't cany of you get it through your thick stupid head that without him you'll be facing a very big threat from the middle east. bush didn't start the war on terrorism, osama brought it to us. if we hadn't goen over to iraq, think about how many more civilians would get torturned and killed. why did our soldiers fight in ww2? to stop dictatorship.
im surprised how weak americ has become over the years. dman hippies and their anti-war crap. if we don't strike now, in the future they enemy will be a lot stronger and we're going to have to send our troops against a much larger enemy, an enemy we should of destryoyed when they were still weaker.
anyways it's thanksgiving. thank your president for not letting the terrorist punks get to us.