01-24-2002, 04:31 AM
The Official site RECOMMENDS a p3700.
Now, I have an AMD xp1900+ with 512 DDR ram and Geforce 3 TI500. This is one of the fastest rigs out today.
I usually play all my games at 800 by 600 max detail with quinox anti aliasing.
Ever game I have runs butter smooth with this set up. Even games of Wolfenstien MAX detail at this setting with 64 players run without problems.
Medal of Honor totally tears up my pc. Single player will range from around 80-100 fps to as low as 16 fps depending on what is going on. In multiplayer omaha and bridge with players 20 or over I see frames go as low as 18 as well. then go up to 100 when I am in a room or something. I thought I was nuts or doing something wrong. So I also tested it on a dell p2000 with 512 and geforce 3 ti500 as well. SIMILAR RESULTS.
These are pretty much the 2 fastest pc's around(with exception of the 2.2 and xp2000 which were just announced). You want to explain to me why I cant run this game on these machines with max detail and anti aliasing?
I also tried disabling the anti-aliasing and I STILL am seeing frames go into the low 20's and LOWER sometimes in the same situation. In my opinion there is something wrong here. Anyone have any thoughts?