Communique ver. 1.2 final release From Clan -{DwR}- -
01-19-2004, 02:40 PM
Ok well heres all screenies on the old post with ver. 1.1 [url:c189f][/url:c189f]
Well this is the final release with 1.2 fixes. Uk mirror will be here shortly with the new version. Enjoy.
the UK mirror above gives u the 1.1 version ..........i need to update it with the 1.2 version.... for now use the USA mirrors 1 and 2
[url=]AlliedAssult/Filefront[/url:c189f] USA MIRROR 1
(If that mirror doesnt work manually get it through this link [url=;fb006eeaf6e197ac64a7f610edf9a86b96ac4bc2ab bcc176e036e19d7fbaa16de729f470c88b0b5d:c189f]Download Page[/url:c189f])
[url=]Clan File Server[/url:c189f] USA MIRROR 2
(this Mirror has the new 1.2 updated version)
* The uk mirror is not updated with the 1.2 version*