01-25-2002, 11:16 AM
WTF Man. Im sick of the damn newbies using bazooka. Why didnt 2015 ad a wep restriction for host? It would also make Omaha beach alot better too. if u think about it, the axis would actually be able to use the god damn machine guns in the bunkers. It would make it harder for allied to get up but then they would hide behind those Triangle things on the beach. If i where allied i think it would be fun having all that gun fire coming down. hearing all that sound when it hits the ground etc... But man they have to put in a wep restriction option. It would make the game so much better and more fun. Also for u sniper ppl that just love sniping, if there was a wep restriction option u could host and just make it sniper only. Cuz ive done that before and ive named the room SNIPERS! only, but nooooooo, some dude always comes in and uses a zooka or other wep then damn sniper. Thats all i have to say