Proper way to have both Allies & Axis using the Bazooka? -
02-13-2004, 06:33 PM
Dear Members,
I was wanting to have the bazooka used by both the Allies and Axis.
Here is what I did and the result I got;
-copied and renamed the Allies Bazooka.tik to panzerschreck.tik and packaged the two of them up into a pk3 file.
-when I stated the game on the serverside both Allies&Axis showed a bazooka by name and skin
-when I joined on the clientside only the Allies had the bazooka working properly and the Axis had the name Bazooka but still showed the big panzerschreck skin.
Is there a way to properly do this so I can get the same results I did on the serverside happen on the clientside? *without having to modify the client.