01-25-2002, 08:43 AM
I am really getting tired of people complaining about their "low fps." Try the damn auto-configure feature. It is in: start menu > programs > ea games > medal of honor allied assault > auto configure. If that doesn't give you good fps, then I don't know what to say.
If you are complaining because you are going down to 20 fps in 1600x1200 (or 1240x1024)full detail, then you are a pissy little whiner. No one needs that amount of detail to play any game.
My 800x600 res., 32 bit color, medium texture detail, everything else set to either max or high, setting runs really well and looks great (AMD Thunderbird 1.33 Ghz, 256 PC133 RAM, GeForce 2 GTS, 512 MB virtual memory on a 10 Gig HD that is defragemented every few days). And yes, that is what I got from the auto-configure program. With it, Omaha beach always works perfectly (hell, it worked perfectly with 1024x768 16 bit high everything/max everything, minimum effects detail).
I put together my system, and, in my opinion, if those of you who are complaining bought your systems already put together by those big computer companies (IBM, Gateway, Dell, etc.), you pretty much deserve what you get. Yeah, my configuration isn't all that great, but I put it together this way because of numerous reasons.
I don't expect good responses to this post, so have fun.