Ya.. I caught my friend touching himself -
04-22-2004, 10:03 PM
Well.. after coming home from school today... I felt like having a shower.. my friend who lives with me at the moment (phillips for thos who know him) always comes up in my room to play PS2 my PC ect ect... anyways.. I go have a shower.. and I come out and went to come back in my room (dont worry I have shorts and a t-shirt on) and my friend thought he locked my door.. so I open it and low and behold his pants are down at his ankles and I look at my screen and hes watching some porn.. he sees me and yells "OH SHIT!!" he pushes me outta the room and closes the door.. couple seconds later.. he comes stumbling outta my room laughing his ass off. I started luaghing my nuts off.. and he then says "well this is awkward" ...
The only thing that worried me was when I came in there was no "object" to releave himself in oOo: .. luckily he wasnt at his climax when I stumbled in.
so... any of you guys have a story where this occured to you or someone else?