Lets hear your awesome weekends.. yayayayaya -
06-01-2004, 08:43 PM
This weekend was so awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwesome.
Lets hear eveyrone's postive weekend...ayayayayayya
Mine consisted of a friend who had an empty house for use, heh, making 80 bucks, and some more shit... Can't get into details for legal reasons, hahah. Keep in mind, when a bunch of 16 year old guys, and an 18 year old guy, have an empty house, full of liquor..it's inevitable to have a fucking great time. All you need to know is like one chick, and then you got a party, all chicks have a shitload of awesome chick friends...
How the fuck can I hide a hicky in the summer.. fuck. I tried like shaving shitty around it, like I purposely gave myself bad razor burn, but it only hides it so much... right now I got a hoody on, haha.