01-28-2002, 08:59 AM
Why are there NO Team Match servers that have the CPR realism mod?????
I was on the coolest server last night. Realism, so you actually had to know how to shoot and to survive. And Friendly Fire so you had to pay attenion, AND the anitcheat patch.
I had never played a Team Match game. Always Objective. Well having not even gotten very far in the home game this Team Match had maps I had never heard of. The Snowy Park is GREAT!! So scary, in dark. The Algerian town is also great. ALL of them were great.
But I go there tonight and there are NONE. ZERO. ZIPPOLA. Not one Team Match was listed as CPR or Realism. None.
Sigh. That SUCKS. I mean I like the IDEA of objective play. But the same maps over and over and over and over ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz. Omaha is a blast but frustrating if you are an ally with german snipers, or a german who wants to run an mg42 with allied snipers. The V-2 is a joke. NEVER seen the allies win that one EVER. The Bridge is ok but is getting old.
But all those other maps? VERY cool.
Sigh, I just won't play none realism anymore. It is clearly for whimps who are afraid to die. Or those who can only win by tossing 5 grenades all over the place. BOOORRRRING.
When will people wise up and put CPR on team matches??