tutorial -- Putting New Guns In-game by Godsmack -
07-29-2004, 10:55 AM
tutorial -- Putting New Guns In-game by Godsmack
For Lightray3D 1.3.3
Step 1. Go to you pak0.pk3 and go to models>weapons grab the skd and skc of the gun you want to replace.
For this tut im gonna use the colt 45 skd skc.
Step 2. Open up Lightray3D and import the model you are replaceing the MOH gun with then import the colt45 Skd and skc.
Step 3. line up your model with the colt45 model once you do that then delete the colt45 just select it and hit delete.
If you didnt make a new clip then just use the one from the colt 45 dont delete it.
Step 4. Convert all your meshes to a skin to do this select a mesh and go to edit, scroll down to you see convert to skin
Push it. Do this to all the meshes
Step 5. Rename them to what ever you want but put this in front of the name "surf_" (with out the quotes) EX. surf_mygun
Step 6. Select a part of the gun the hit edit little blue dots should pop up on the model select them all
and clcik assign to bone then click the icon next to the edit button (it looks like a paper with a blue arrow at the bottom)
then assign it to the colt45 bone. Do this to all parts of your gun. Also make sure your verts dont go over 1000 for each
part of the gun
Step 6. Your ready! to export so go to file export and export as a MOH skd then make a new pk3 and make a folder called
models then in that folder make a folder called weapons and in that folder make a folder called cot45. Put your new skd in
that folder
Step 7. You now need to edit the colt45.tik file. Open that up and at the top of the tik there is sumthin like this
surface colt45 shader colt45 change the surface to the names you gave your gun (EX. surface mygun)
do that for all of the surfaces you have.
Step 8. the shader, Open up notepad and copy and paste this:
qer_editorimage textures/models/mygun/mygun.tga
map textures/models/mygun/mygun.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
make one for evey surface your gun has then save it as a .SHADER
Step 9. put the colt45.tik in your pk3 in the models>weapons folder
Step 10. make a new folder called scripts and put your SHADER file there
Step 11. Make a folder called textures in that folder make another folder called models and in that folder make one called mygun (or what ever you want)
your PK3 should look like this:
Hope this helps all you people who are having trouble beer: