Prison sentences -
08-31-2004, 06:16 PM
The thread on young kids being idiots kind of raised this issue. It was said that if you send a 13 year old to juvie for ten years it completely screws their life. Just wondering what everyone here thinks of extended sentences. They are mainly issued in the southern states of the US, where someone can be sent to jail for hundreds of years. I read a news story from Florida a while back. It was about this man who I believe was around 27 or so. Anyways he was speeding in his car, doing about 75mph in a 50 or something like that. He hit a 16 year old girl that was backing out of her driveway onto the road. She was killed on impact unfortunately. Anyways he dint flee the scene, he stayed and admitted it was his fault. So they charge him with reckless driving or some charge like that and it ends up he gets sentenced to something like 45 years in prison. Leaving his wife and 2 children without a father for their entire life almost, when he gets out he will be in his 70's, this is if he even gets out at all. He never gets to know his children, see them grow up or any of those other things associated with being a father. Instead he spends the rest of his life in a prison cell rotting away. After reading that I felt sick. Anyways what are your views on the lengths of sentences? How should they be decided? Jury? judge? Should their be limits?