Kerry on Letterman -
09-21-2004, 11:35 PM
I just watched John Kerry on letterman. He makes me sick. He goes on for twenty minuets about all his bull shit, then he gets hung up by Dave.
Dave: So, if you were voted president in 2000, would we have troops in Iraq today?
Kerry: No. Uh... I mean.. uhshs jush.....I mean If I had the intelligence that we have now, I wouldn't have.
SHIT>! Great way to avoid the question. That mother fucker. He then goes on to say that he didn't vote to go to Iraq, he voted to allow Bush to have the power to go to Iraq. True, but with out the vote of the senate, we couldn't have went to Iraq.
Of the Top Ten the first 2 were funny, the rest were just libral propaganda shit.
" The tax reductions were so unfair they make me want to pull my hair out."
" Under the new Tax codes, your refund checks will go straight to Halliburton"
SHIT. I cannot stand Kerry or anything that he stands for.
spank: [/quote]