02-02-2002, 04:59 AM
6-8 hours of game play? That's it?!
They expect me to pay for a game I will only have at the VERY most 8 hours of gameplay when you have plenty of games for the same price with over 80+ hours?
40$ game at a conservative 250 000 copies sold = 10 000 000$, quite the nice profit, they could at least bother to make the game over 25 hours (at the VERY minimum).
NO I don't want to play MP, it's same old, same old and I'm no fan of realism based MP games. I know I'm a minority these days when it comes to FPS and realism, hehe.
If you like MP, you'll get your money's worth I'm sure, if you don't, don't buy it, play it from a friend who has a copy.
Serious Sam, Red Faction, RtCW and now this, can't wait for C&C:Renegade, at least it has an innovative MP, even if the SP will be no more than 10 hours "sigh". They'll get my money as for the 1st 3 mentionned and this game... sorry, maybe next time.
The ending was awfull by the way.
See you in there.