Leet tv star -
12-13-2004, 06:00 PM
Your very own Coleman was on the 6 o'clock news today. Channel 10 (a huge Philadelphia news broadcaster) came to my school covering our highschool band. Out of 300 bands that applied for the Presidential Inaugural Parade, only 30 made it (us being 1 of those 30).
We need to fundraise $86,000 though...yeah. It's pretty pathetic how we're calling up local doctors and lawyers asking them to "sponsor a child".
The predicted price per student would be about $275 for 2 nights and 3 days with all food payed for at a Maryland hotel (I doubt we could find space in a D.C. hotel at this time for 300 kids). It's not that much money per kid; as a matter of fact it's a GREAT price to stay down in the DC area. The only problem is this isn't our only trip. The jazz band is going to Denmark later this year in May which will cost quite a large buck. Next year, they're (i'm graduating this year) going to a bowl game down in New Orleans which is alot more money as well. Anyone want to sponser good ol' Coleman?! biggrin: