Coleman's Kiddie Pr0n guy -
12-29-2004, 09:05 PM
heres a followup that i think is too funny to keep for myself. Im Paulius2003 btw.
B1ack Goose: who is this
paulius2003: who are you?
B1ack Goose: why did you IM solar8388
paulius2003: whats a Solar8388?
B1ack Goose: a sn
B1ack Goose: how did you get it
paulius2003: i heard he had kiddie porn on his hard drive
paulius2003: from a guy named Gary Coleman
B1ack Goose: how did you get the sn
paulius2003: from a guy named gary coleman
paulius2003: why
B1ack Goose: bullshit, who is this
B1ack Goose: why did you IM solar
paulius2003: this is david
paulius2003: i imed him cuz i felt like it
B1ack Goose: are you some kind of sick loser
paulius2003: yes
B1ack Goose: seriously, howd you get solar8388's sn
paulius2003: i want kiddie porn
paulius2003: i told you FROM GARY COLEMAN
B1ack Goose: is that a sn
paulius2003: no
paulius2003: its a guy
B1ack Goose: are you friends with him
paulius2003: not really
B1ack Goose: how old are u
paulius2003: 8
paulius2003: 8 and a half
B1ack Goose: yea, bullshit
B1ack Goose: do you know a jailbreak987
paulius2003: im dead fucking serious
paulius2003: no wtf is a jailbreak987
B1ack Goose signed off at 8:51:05 PM.
GroBschwimmer: WTF are you iming solar8388?
paulius2003: well i was
GroBschwimmer: WHY
paulius2003: because i heard he had kiddie porn
GroBschwimmer: so your a pathetic kiddie porn person
GroBschwimmer: what a waste of a life
paulius2003: yeah
paulius2003: i know
paulius2003: but im addicted
paulius2003: their pubeless pussies makes it so hawt
GroBschwimmer: it's not an addiction it's a perversion
paulius2003: that too
GroBschwimmer: don't im him anymore
paulius2003: i will
paulius2003: because its a free country
GroBschwimmer: no it's not a free country scum bag
paulius2003: i live in a free country
paulius2003: its called America
paulius2003: maybe youve heard of it?
GroBschwimmer: maybe you have never heard of the CIA
paulius2003: more or less
paulius2003: its a free country
paulius2003: and if i want kiddie porn
paulius2003: by golly i will get kiddie porn
GroBschwimmer: well mr solar has none
GroBschwimmer: so leave him alone
paulius2003: he does
paulius2003: gary coleman told me he does
paulius2003: infact alot of people know that solar does
paulius2003: thats why i wanted some of the 12 year old pussy action
GroBschwimmer: gary coleman the actor??
paulius2003: please dont deny me the right
paulius2003: gary coleman as in the guy
paulius2003: he prolly is an actor
GroBschwimmer: you have no rights for kiddie porn it is against the law
paulius2003: not in my little world
paulius2003: and tell that to solar
paulius2003: he has it all
GroBschwimmer: how did you get his sn?
paulius2003: from gary
GroBschwimmer: and where is gary?
GroBschwimmer: another figment of your imagination
paulius2003: rofl no
paulius2003: well then again
paulius2003: gf1 is probably a figment of my imagination
paulius2003: im not sure.
GroBschwimmer signed off at 8:55:05 PM. [/code:b1ac1]