Sleeeeeeep is good -
01-08-2005, 03:22 PM
Wow I just slept for 23 hours! This whole week i've been going to bed at 4:00am b/c I was always playing xbox with my brother. I'd have to wake up at 5:45 for school. Well, yesterday (friday) I came home from school and slept around 4:30PM. I remember my mom asking me if i wanted "to eat now or later" (6PM dinner; my dad brought a pizza home). I evidentally said "later" and never woke up until 5:00am. At 5 I went and heated up the extra slice of pizza and drank some soda. I then went back to sleep on my comfy recliner and didn't wake up until now (about 4:00).
23 hours...damn.