02-07-2002, 01:55 AM
I've been playing online since the day this game came out and I've noticed a few things about the state of this game's team play and I just have to bitch. I'm coming from a background like Starsiege: Tribes, so I have a firm understand of role and tactics. With this in mind, I have noticed the following about the average Medal of Honor player:
I swear to god! Most people online see no difference between Objective Match and Free For All! When you join an Objective Match map, understand that there are certain conditions for a team to win. Try and complete the objectives sometime, the result is great!
Grenade spam... can we cool it with the random tossing of grenades? If I had a dollar for every time a team mate started chucking grenades over a high wall at what it most likely an empty room, I could pay off my student loans! You have a gun, try it out sometime. You'll find that they too kill people.
Snipers and rocket boys - believe it or not, guys... there are OTHER weapons in the game! Yeah! boggles the mind, don't it? Give them a try sometime... they work wonders!
People bitching in spectator mode about camping. Shut your mouths and wait your turn... when you're on the D, there's no such thing as camping so relax.
People bitching about cheaters... Guess what, kids? The last patch stopped that, so stfd stfu!
I just needed to get the above off my chest. General moronic behavior on the servers has me nearly throwing my mouse across the room. It's not good when I have to take a few minutes away from the game for deep breaths and to regain my composure.