forum attack... -
02-25-2005, 04:58 PM
Some of you remember that my forums was attacked from the inside and all messages were erased. Well this time they took it a step farther... They also took over an admin on my sites site... Im really pissed right now... My forums was a medium sized forums, we were recovering nicely, had slightly more than 1000 posts, 68 members... Ull probably be able to figure out pretty easily what it was about from the title but it was a nice site, we had theories, and discussions about them, it was truly interesting all the things we learned and all the people who got invloved... I guess Im gonna have to start all over from scratch... Considering the fact that he banned all the members's ip's... Im not even sure of how he did it, but he gained acess to the other admins account, destroyed my site, and went onto commandeer his... If you want the links then pm me... I dont feel like posting em here...