Wishes -
04-11-2005, 10:18 AM
I was watching TV last night and I came across "What Women Want" with Mel Gibson. For some reason, I kept watching it and was hooked on it. That gave me the idea for this thread.
If you were given two wishes, what would they be? Remember, be careful what you wish for (ha, don't wish for an infinite amount of money...'omg you caused inflation!111111111')
My wishes:
1.) To be able to hear what women are thinking just like Mel Gibson. The applications are endless. If you are taking a written test with women around, easy A. You'd be SUPERMAN in bed. You could be the charming guy that every woman would want.
2.) Ability manipulate any object through floatation/levitation. That means you could deadlift 400lbs if you wanted to in some competition. You'd be able to make yourself fly. You could do 1,000 chin ups. You'd be able to save money from 'pushing' your car instead of using gas 100% of the time (ok, that was a stupid one). You could be history's best quaterback or MLB pitcher. You could have the fastest slap-shot. The possibilities for this one are endless.