Your weapon of choice in Iraq -
05-16-2005, 05:51 PM
Ok, you've been summoned to go to Iraq to take out some insurgents. You can have any equipment or personnel for your mission. What would you take with you?
I'd go in with a three man team.
Spotter/navigator. He's the one i'd rely on to help me navigate through Iraq and to set me up with a long distant shot.
Heavy weapon support/medic . He's responsible for stitching me up and for heavy support should the team need it.
Me as the sniper. I'll need this for long distant shots
this for room clearing/close quarter combat
.....and this for when things get real close and snotty
not to mention i'll need a few frag and smoke grenades. These items should get me through my mission in taking out a few insurgents and for getting my ass back home in one piece.
What would you need ??
The world is my urinal