MS13 -
05-30-2005, 05:38 PM
So last night my cousins friend was going to fight this mexican kid in a parking lot, so my cousin and like 6 of his friends went to make sure he didnt get jumped. Well this mexican showed up with over 30 people, they took their cars and blocked off the exits to the parking lot than hopped out with bats, knives and all kinds of weapons, my cousin had a tire iron. Long story short, my cousin got piled on and cut the hell up with a box cutter, took 150 staples to close him back up, surprised hes not dead. He stood up and grabbed a pick axe and started swinging, eventualyl all the mexicans ran away and grabbed their wounded friends and left, cops are looking for them now. This all happend on long island, by MS13 this mexican gang. Its the fastest growing in the country. Any of you guys have them by you? Its huge up in northern VA here.