I think I have a great idea for a mod that will solve the sniper/rocketeer problems without removing the weapons.
Check it out-
Modify the sniper rifle so there is more delay bringing the scope up to the eye.
I know there is more scope delay in MOHAA than in a game like UT, but I'm sure the time needed to scope could be increased in some way. This would prevent "sniping on the run", and other unrealistic situations. Sniping would take more time to set up, which is much more realistic.
Increase rocket damage substantially. I know, you're thinking "WHAT!?? INCREASE!? The rocket is already too powerful!", but think about it. A rocketeer with a super-powerful rocket would have to be MUCH more careful about his shots. Any shot which gives splash damage to the rocketeer will kill him INSTANTLY, pretty much eliminating rocket kiddies. Any player who kills himself more than three times is bound to get frustrated.
So whaddya think?