Mother Nature Swallows Duffy Whole -
08-03-2005, 06:21 PM
Since my life is just that important (and cool, to point), I'll update you guy's on the last hour of my life - just because.
So I was riding the bus home from Denver (COLFAX AVENUE!!!), after bringing my sister to the dentist and then getting a really late lunch over at Pete's Greek Cafe (not a Cafe- and I had Navy Bean soup, just so you know) (Oh, and its on Colfax) and we were walking home the whole two mile stretch, when all of a sudden god starts whacking it on us, and it started to dribble.
Three minutes later, it was pouring, and I was screaming the entire way, as my two little sisters (six and eight) wrapped themselves in towels we just used after going swimming in the morning. I was totally soaked, not one spot on me was left dry as we walked and walked home, and the five dollar bill in my pocket totally disenegrated into a mush.
The rain slowed us down, water was washing all over our feet, going up to our ankles, as we all lost our sandles atleast three times during that whole hour. My hair was soaked and covering my eyes, so I had to shake it out doggy-style a couple of times.
We finally made it to the park, where the swimming pool was, and I just went ballistic and ran all the way home, stretching my towel towards the sky so it flailed behind me, and I ran near the pool to say hi to Tiffany, my sixteen year old swim instructor (She's only two years older than I am, and she's totally hittable rock: ) who was taking cover under the bathroom door.
Then I came home, and lucky me, I forgot my keys, and my sisters were shivering and on the point of crying (dont ask me). So I ran into the back, and knocked the screen window out, having to pull myself up into the house to unlock the doors for them.
When the whole commotion was over, I took a hot shower, and wanked it the whole way through - just for you mother nature.