Newbie Idiot -
08-26-2005, 02:31 PM
Hi Everyone,
After reading some of the posts and reviewing some of the work, I feel like a complete idiot. But I hope to eventually change that through some of the tutorials.
I'm primarily a MOHAA player and some COD. While I do belong to an MOHAA clan, I don't have any Admin Rights to the server, but I believe if I could develop some scripting and modding skills, that access would be granted.
The first thing I'd like to be able to do is limit the availability of the Weapons in MOHAA. (2) Sniper rifles (3) STG's etc.
I nearly went blind paging through the forums looking to see if one already existed but either I didn't look far enough or I missed it.
Anyways, I plan on being a frequent visitor.
See ya,