02-13-2002, 04:10 AM
Possible Spoilers below
Okay, I'd never actually experienced a bug in SP.... until now. You know the second to last level where you have on the gas mask and you have to turn those valves and then get out? Well, when I beat that, I got into the elevator, preparing to finish off the game with the last short and sweet level, and bam, while its loading me onto the last level, it freezes me and boots me out to desktop. I thought, well, maybe its a one time thing.... nope. Every time I beat that level, while the game is loading the last level, it boots me out to the desktop. Anyone know how to fix this? I mean, I had to cheat to get to the last level, but when I beat it I don't get a medal because technically i didn't "beat the game," because of that extra 3 seconds of loading time it needed. I do have a couple of mods, and this is my first ever problem with MoH, and I've had it since the 22nd. Any ideas?
[This message has been edited by parchy (edited February 13, 2002).]