how do I bypass this? (sp2 related) -
10-04-2005, 11:29 AM
I had to format and reinstall windows
and I need to get Sp2 and I get this/.
[quote:cd82f]Validation Failure: Product Key Failed Validation[0x80080220]
Why did my machine fail validation?
The product key found on your computer is from a Volume License Key (VLK), which has been blocked. A VLK is typically licensed to organizations who want to use multiple copies of Windows. However, if a VLK is reported as stolen or leaked, it is then blocked from passing through validation.
If you received a computer with a VLK, and you do not have a Volume License Agreement with Microsoft, then you may be a victim of software piracy. If this has happened to you, please see below for the steps you can take.
If you do have a Volume License Agreement with Microsoft, you believe you are using the appropriate VLK assigned to your organization, and your VLK has not been reported as stolen or lost, please contact your system administrator, Large Account Reseller (LAR), or Enterprise Software Advisor (ESA) to report the problem.