Who is gf1 ?? -
10-13-2005, 03:14 AM
Thats right, like the title says, who is gf1 ??
Who is gf1?
Pyro - Whiney lil' cunt but fun to have around for the sheer hell of it
Tripper - Man of insults.......and likes the ganja
Gerv - Crazy potato picking computer wiz
Zoner - Sig master with the best fucking TV......you suck!
Ninty - Nicest Canuck here
Milla - Handsome bastard and he knows it
Coleman - Very photogenic.....could possibly be a terrorist though
Mr Buttocks - Bald and wears a headset.....thats all i know
Bucknub - Some people hate him.....others love him
Maple - Craziest 10 most wanted canuck. Loves weaponry
Nyck - Nascar lovin' redneck hillbilly who's a spokesman for ebaums
Akuma - A creature of the night
Short hand - Does he really have a short hand?
Judas - Really don't know what to make of him
TonyMontana - His avatar is annoying
Himmler - No one hates him
Vance - I'm still trying to figure out if he's Italian
Art Attack - looks like burt but not as evil
Eight Ace - Hates me for some unknown reason
Guarnere - Where art thou?
Madmartagen - He'll hit anything
Sergeant Scrotum - His name alone is disturbing
Duke of Ray - Is he related to Duffy?
Jin Roh - Like a hemorrhoid that won't go away
Arkan - Sometimes known as "Assman" or "Uncle Arkan"
Airborne Butters - Likes to eat and fish....or is it he eats fish?
CoMaToSe - Drawing a blank now....i'll have to edit
Fluffy Bunny - No one parties like him
Acideyez - Can't tell if the lad is on drugs or not
jujumantb - For the life of me i can't make out his name
Duffy - Is he related to Duke of Ray?
TGB! - Is he the only brotha' we have here?
This is not a popularity contest. If your name isn't mentioned yet, someone will add it.
The world is my urinal