Navy Recruitment Poster -
10-13-2005, 09:31 AM
Alright you tarts! O.K, so I was chatting to the CO of my unit the other day & he wants to recruit a few more people. So I had one of my wonderful ideas & suggested a poster showing what we do in the reserve, kayaking, partying, building rafts & parades etc. Unfortunately by opening my big mouth & suggesting this I also sort of blagged my way into telling the CO it could be done on computer. Below is my effort thus far:
It's not completely finished, my initial idea was to have the pictures inside the flag but also have the red stripes still showing & the pictures sort of melting away into the flag itself tho I've kinda messed it up & now have the pictures covering the stripes oOo: . Herein lies the problem I sucks at PSP! & cant do all that fade stuff. Does anyone know how you make the pictures fade?
The original flag itself looks like this, I want to keep the red lines & have the images fade into em:
Any hints/help would be most appreciated. cool: