F**king PRICK -
12-26-2005, 04:37 AM
...About a half hour ago I was driving home from g/fs minding my own business, and this prick in an SUV doing about 85km's in a 50km/h zone illegally overtakes me in the middle of the road, which not only gave me the shock of my life but caused me to swerve pretty dangerously - So I fired off a beep of the horn in a purely reactionary decision.
I head towards the lights at a main intersection, and I pull up behind this sucker and he's turning left, same as me. So I flick my indicator on and follow behind him - Then just as we both have made the turn, at about 60km/h this fuckin prick slams on his brakes in the middle of the street for no reason, so I do to, but I don't make it in time and my car slides into the back of this fuck destroying my front right light and fucking up the bonnet badly. Now apparently that makes it my fault. Whatever.
...But just as soon as this guy had stopped and let me slam into him, he picks off at top speed down the street, so I decide to follow behind him, because I want to exchange details etc. He sees I'm following and speeds up even more in attempt to evade me - So by now he's doing about 100km/h - I decide I wanna fucking stick it to this prick so In a fit of rage I speed up and chase him - holding my hand on the horn whilst high-beaming him.
He speeds up even more and now he's doing about 120km/h on this empty main road trying to get away from me. Obviously this is a pretty sure sign that the fucker delibrately braked so I would slam into him, otherwise he would have stopped because I was technically in the wrong (despite the fact that he was stopping for no reason, other than so that I would hit him or just to cause me strife.)
I'm fuming, I got his registration number and have already reported his driving using this online "bad driving" inquiry form on the NZ police website. I'm considering making a proper complaint to the police - But I kinda can't be fucked as I'm leaving at 9am tomorow for my annual new years holiday morning and it's already late at night,
I hate when I get fucked over like this. Prick gets away scot-free.