Wallets Found in Heating Ducts -
01-21-2006, 02:04 AM
Just an interesting article about the base I live near:
[url=http://www.latimes.com/news/local/state/la-me-wallets29may29,0,4553397,full.story?coll=la-news-state:44f86]Camp Roberts[/url:44f86]
[quote:44f86]CAMP ROBERTS, Calif. — Crews demolishing old military barracks on this sprawling base near Paso Robles stumbled on a surprising find: wallets.
Tumbling out of heating ducts suspended from the ceilings, the wallets were stuffed with remarkably well-preserved personal belongings dating from World War II and the Korean War.
Love letters. Religious medals. Base passes. High school identification cards. Driver's licenses. Dog tags. Snapshots. Tips for surviving an atomic blast.[/quote:44f86]