I hope your lastname isn't Dell... -
02-20-2006, 10:58 PM
Dell seeks damages from man called Dell
Web designer Paul Dell is asking for donations to help him defend himself against legal action and a claim for damages from computer maker Dell, Inc.
Paul Dell has been summoned to appear before the Tribunal de Grande Instance Paris because he owns dellwebsites.com. Paul uses the web address to publicise his web design business, but is accused of parasitism and unfair competition. Dell America seeks €100, 000 in damages, €50,000 for Dell France, plus another €500 for every mention of the word Dell on his website.
Bizarrely, Dell, Inc. tried to take similar action against Paul Dell in 2002 but walked away when he refused to cave in to pressure.
Paul Dell has owned and run the website since April 2001. He also runs dellimages.com where he sells his photographs.
Dell, Inc. was unable to comment at press time.