Any webmasters here? -
03-08-2006, 09:05 AM
I could use some help, my current webmaster has held the companies website hostage. They were given a project to do, and its been 6 months and they are still have not done all of it ... their pace is unbelievable ... why can't they just fucking finish this dam website.
A dam fair trade was made for it, and now they are saying that I'm giving them too much presure ... I'm like YOU BEEN WORKING ON IT FOR 6 MONTHS, FINISH IT NOW.
The website is suppose to be in spanish and english, and they have only finished 60-80% of the spanish and none of the english, they clame to just 'double' the website and it will all be done. I have given them all possible material that they need, and now I have to email them daily to see what they done, and its nothing. We don't even like to tell people about our website cause is incomplete .. so we get noone coming to check it out.
Now they are going back on their agreement, on the way we pay them back, and is totally unaceptable. An agreement was made on the value of the website, and our value of advertisement for an entire year. That was the trade ... now they are claiming that is not fair cause they have to do much more work ... and all the work their claiming was in the proposal for the trade.
Well, this is my question ... is there a way to get an exact copy of the website, with its administrative panel and everything that it has?
Cause the website is great, but is not complete. And I feel that all work that has been done will be removed, and we will be left without a website.
The website is [url=]Las Americas HERALD[/url:92add]
Please any help will be apretiated.