05-26-2006, 02:21 PM
Discuss Plotlines and Thoughts after youve seen the flick
Great action and decent storyline. I didnt stay through the end however so I dunno what happens after the credits. if someone discusses it please put a warning so I can scroll past it.
It was pretty surreal for me the direction they took in the movie in killing Cyclops and Professor X via complete obliteration and breaking them into atoms.
Just like jinroh had said I didnt think they would take such a turn in the series by killing off 3 of the 6 original characters from the originating comic.
They also REALLY minimized the role of rouge, why did she even show up for this movie.
I was pretty pissed that Cyclops role in the films was shortened in the 2nd and basically wiped out into Im a pussy crybaby who dies within 20 minutes of the movie. I mean he is fucking the 2nd in charge of the entire fucking xmen.