So I went to the Ontario Science Centre Today (pics w/boobs) -
06-22-2006, 07:10 PM
here is a full scale Elephant heart (yes it's a real heart from an elephant)
Some Giant Sea Creature, It's the second largest to ever live on the earth, The First is the Blue whale, this skeleton was fucking enourmous
This is a small version of a tornado, you can sorta see it in the picture, you had to walk around it in circles for it form. it was cool
Notice how these things donnt look straight? If you made a high pitched noise, like clapping or screaming, they stood up straight.
No Explanation
Giant Tree (replica)
Boob Shot, no but really, this floor was like a pond, it had sensores in the ceiling, if you walked acrossed it, you would make ripples in the water.
This Picture is Large for a reason, gives you guys a chance to see what it written in fron the pints of blood. thought it was really cool.
a Replica of a rain forest, WAs VERY humid in there.
Some giant Snails
and finally, I thought this was funny after I took it, remind you of anything? biggrin: