gf1 Fantasy football week 1 -
09-10-2006, 11:32 PM
I defeat Tony by 7 with jesus games by harrison and shockey who grab 11 pts a piece as i come back from 11 pts down(shaun alexander , Drew Bledsoe, rueben draughns and greg jennings all shit the bed for me after I bench brown and gore loney: ) final 57-49
Bleu Beats the shit out of his opponent by 35 pts final 98-63
Hawke is getting his ass beat by 48 against my coworker but has alot of fresh players left so he can still easily win. hawke with 4 guys left losing 24-76
Stackem wins jesus team of the week by beating the fuck out of my uncle by 55 pts so far(all while having mcnabb on the bench, trade me him plz) final 109-54 (my uncle has Keenan McKardell left...rofl yea right dont see him going for 500 yds this game)
Pyro is as usually getting PYROWNED by who? none other than MY WIFE who drafted all on her own and is currently fucking pyro up the ass by 47 pts
Pyro has aaron im a shitty qb brooks left and my wife has cooley. 96-49
final game everyone talks shit about my coworkers brothers drafting and he kicks blitzs ass behind a jesus defensive effort by baltimore who scores 25 pt, currently 85-83 and he still has 2 players left