02-25-2002, 12:19 AM
Hello to you all! Im a old 1stShooter freak since the first Frankeinstein 3D was released, and have been playing much online in the last years. But this is actually the first time i experience such patetic looser as i do here in Medal of Honour. What i have witnessed is that the Germans (i prefer the Allied) often starts a snipe war, expecially at Omaha Beach. Thats ok, i like the challenge, and picks up a sniper rifle to replies the enemy invitation to use such a weapon. They snipe me, i snipe 2 of them, they toss 1 grenades at me, i toss 2 grenades at them. I often write them that sniping is ok, but then i will also snipe until they drop their sniper rifle and goes back to their more common used weapons. An eye for an eye, a thooth for a thooth!
But what acully happens when German snipers gets enoght sniped back is that they get so pissed off that they spawn as Allied, just to get close enough to get their pathetic revenge, to run in a Allied uniform as camuflaged traitors just to mess up the team play and the fun of it. I dont know what to say about this, bu ti think its so patethic and shows that they dont have any fair game play at all, no warrior spirit in those guys!
Im acually so pissed off at this! I know a few nicks that i have ncountered on the German side more often than i have met them on my own side, the only time i have meet them on my own side is when they have sniped us just to get sniped back double in their heads, when they feel so supressed and helpless and desperatley tries a false one to get a Allied uniform to get their stupid, low life, no fighting spirit asholde revenge! Grow up loosers! Fight fair or drop dead!