German Police Run Over Green Peace Protestors With a Speedboat
bwa ahahahaha hellfire: rock: <-- video
Members of the environmental pressure group Greenpeace took to the seas in an attempt to deliver a message to the Baltic coast hotel where the summit is taking place.
But one of the boats was eventually capsized by chasing police. Three Greenpeace members were injured, the others taken to shore and arrested before reaching their target.
Meanwhile back on dry land, protestors were still getting wet. Water canon was used to clear access routes blocked by hundreds of anti-G8 demonstrators. Several injuries were reported on both sides, none of them serious. Some arrests were made but far fewer than the 160 detained yesterday.
Demonstrations have been banned around the 12-kilometre fence separating the summit and the protest groups. But that has not deterred thousands continuing their sit-in blockade of the entrances to Heiligendamm.
Pity they didn't have a MTB or U boat handy... I hate hippies.