ATTN: Guitar Players -
07-11-2007, 02:06 AM
So I've been playing guitar for almost 7 years now and I've been using the same shitty 30 watt marshall in my basement. I was never in a band so I didnt need a louder one, but I will be starting a band in the fall when I get back to school.
I recently bought my friend's Fender FM 212R off of him for $200 and its a pretty solid amp. I like the way it sounds and its pretty loud.
But a friend of mine down in Virginia is selling his Marshall Valvestate 8100 & 8412 halfstack for only $375. I've been wanting a halfstack for a while, just for its sheer power and volume. It seems like a pretty good deal and I am fairly positive it is in good condition. It has a tube it in, and tubes alone are a couple hundred. Every review I have read on this halfstack is pretty good, saying its very versatile with different sounds and packs a good punch.
So what do you guys think? Stick with the 2 speaker Fender or get the halfstack and sell the fender?