Project Movie Box -
08-01-2007, 06:19 AM
im going off to college in 20 days, with both a smile, and a frown. happy to get away and get to know myself better, pissed cause the internet fucking blows nuts in my dorm, and we are watched like dogs on what we download. so in preperation for many lonely nights, free time, I have begun project Movie Box. I recently aquired a 75 gig Lacie external hard drive, and i plan to fill the fucker with movies. I have 2 computers and plan to run 6-10 torrent downloads at a time to hopefully fill up the hard drive by august 22nd ( date that I move in). Here is where the kickass community of GF1 comes in, I need suggestions on what movies I should get. I am open to all film genres as long as the movie is good. This community usually has awesome suggestions and I hope that they can help me out here. If each person that reads this post will suggest 3-5 movies that they consider to be in the top 10 of movies, then I will have enough suggestions to keep me going for the next few weeks.
Thanks in advance.