Cum Join The Force! -
08-27-2007, 09:38 AM
you just have to love it sometimes, and when i saw this in a dodgy porn shop in germany i just had to buy it
In a galaxy far, far away, war has struck and darkness is pervading. The good Jodi warriors have been terminated without survivors. Slowly, the all-occluding Darkness swallows the last ray of hope with its hood of indecency as it cracks the galaxy up into sinful disarray. With this small ray of hope, the wise Jodi leaders take hold of the only possibility. They take the next generation of Jodi warriors, a team of lean and muscular female-fighters to a distant space station, and train them to master the sexual powers of the Force. The time has come; it is the hour of the Porn War. A now unstoppable torrent of naked energy, the Jodis learn to become invisible to their enemy through physical movement and mind-play. When confronted, their full-bodied attack is a power to be reckoned with; rendering any force of Darkness and his sword desperately useless.[/quote:dceb6]
theres like a trilogy of them aswell happy: but couldnt afford them all though
got to love porn, need to see what that pirates one is like, very artistic and gives pirates of the caribbean a run for its money