For people who have lost maps to errors -
09-07-2002, 11:04 PM
If you have ever lost a map too errors and can no long be opened.
I think I have some news that may help you.
I was working on my map when I recieved a serious error.
All of todays work, was lost when an error accrured and I could no longer open the map..
I felt sick to my stomach.
Determained to get this map back open.
I opened the .map file with Wordpad.
I looked at the file compaired it with a map i know that does open.
the problem I had was "world spawn" desided it no longer wanted to exist.
so all i had to do is enter it, and save the file.
So. I suggest to you, open the .map file in wordpad. and see what might be troubling you.
Plus you can delete enities or brushes that you feel might be the cause.
Hope this info helps.