Why I continue to play MOHAA after all these months....... -
09-28-2002, 10:38 AM
I've travled the world of gamin community. I've been to the far off reaches to battle Xenomorphs,humans, and predators (AVP2), I've been into George Lucas's fantasy world of Jedi's sabers,shooters and blazers(JK2). I've just recently travled to the battlefields of 1942...only to be shot buy three guys in tanks.......... but after all these games and many more I still come back to MOHAA. I have been playing this game since bout January 2002 when I was peruasing the aisles of EB and noticed an odd faced person on a box staring at me. Well just about 9 months and 100000 hours later I still play it. Weather it be stock maps, realism, custom maps, or the ever classical Omaha I still play. My freinds say it's sick, my mom thinks I'm demented for playing from 2 P.M. to 5 A.M. , but hey where else can you shoot nazis run round with bazookas and then get blasted by the ever so unhistorically accurate shotgun? But hey man, it's MOHAA and I can't wait for the expansion pack..............yea...........