Script help: my guys will crouch walk but then stand up -
10-03-2002, 04:30 PM
I am putting some final touches on my sp map. I get my guys to follow me and crouch walk (or run if I want) but every time I stop, they stand up like dummies and get themselves sniped.
Any suggestions on how I can keep their heads down?
Heres my script:
level.friendly1.position = "crouch"
level.friendly2.position = "crouch"
level.friendly3.position = "crouch"
level.friendly4.position = "crouch"
level.friendly1 exec global/moveto.scr anim/crouch_walk.scr local.t500
level.friendly2 exec global/moveto.scr anim/crouch_walk.scr local.t500
level.friendly3 exec global/moveto.scr anim/crouch_walk.scr local.t500
level.friendly4 exec global/moveto.scr anim/crouch_walk.scr local.t500
James Byron