Powell starts off with a M1, then he has a Springfield, then he has a Thompson, where did he get all those guns, how does he carry them all,lol, and in the mission brefings on ea.com, it says you can use a M1, where did he get them, dead GI's????????
he started off with the m1 and then when the captain gave him covering fire to run to that crader he picked up the sniper rifle and i think he got the thompson from one of those dead bodies or somewhere around there..
Okay first of all he starts off with the M1 Garand and the Spring Field 1903 Sniper Rifle, it's not like he wasn't isssued a gun you retard. Second if you payed any attention he picked the Thomson SMG from a dead soldier it was on the ground right after he took out th MG-42 guarding the tunnel.
[This message has been edited by Mad Dog (edited August 09, 2001).]
I know how to get sigs you FUCKING RETARDED HOMOFOBIC BASTARD I JUST DON'T WERE TO GET A COOL SPR SHOT. Besides I'm not the one who just found out that the first mission was in Africa.
He starts off with the sniper rifle the M1 Garand and a Colt .45 pistol. He is issued these guns before he get's in the higgins boat. And he picks up the Thomson SMG after he takes out the MG-42 that's guarding the tunnel.
[This message has been edited by Mad Dog (edited August 09, 2001).]
Seriously man, let other people use the computers at the Cyber Cafe you're in, and go back to your shack where you can talk and yell at your wall instead.