all I can say is wow. My GeForce 4 Ti4600 is dead atm so I'm stuck with an overclocked geforce2 mohaa with everything set at stock i average around 80fps...doom 3...well, check the screenshot i took..ouch...takes like 5 minutes to load a map too (literally).
the ss does NOT do this game justice...I cannnnnnot wait to see the finished version.
well, everyone has played know how the intro is computer rendered animation? That's what this entire game looks like. I started it up and was just
the atmosphere in the game is amazing..the way they used the sounds and lighting..literally makes this game scary. I kept on jumping in my chair. If anyone wants a copy just pm me
Hehe, i'm getting 5-7fps with my gf2. And I can't see a thing. My monitor is a pos and I don;t know how to change the gamma settings. Oh well time to explore in the dark with EXTREME lag. biggrin:
This is freakin me out. I have all the lights in my room on and my volume way down and hockey on to calm me down. But i can't see a thing. I found some dead guy...I don't know if I killed him or not...I don't think I did but I got kinda stuck and couldn't figure out where to go. I need some flares or something.
Ah. Nice strik0r. Now I can see, too bad it lags too much. I'm getting like 1fps. How pathetic. Can hardly play. Its horrible. Ohh the humanity. All I saw was a sheit load of blood everywhere.