I know this is suppose to be about MOH AA but I think this is worthy and it doesn't belong in the off topic forum. Anyways, there is a slight update on RTCW from Quakecon at gamespot. Check it out it talks about two different levels and some other stuff. It's not a big preview but it's about as long as the preview given from the press event on gamespot about MOH AA.
Here's something I forgot to add last night. RTCW plans to have a sniper rifle with a night vision scope. Don't tell me that there was night vision in WW2.
[This message has been edited by riesep (edited August 11, 2001).]
Hey, check it out. There's another update on RTCW. This one talks about the multiplayer aspect of the game. If MOHAA has the same kind of multiplayer I will be very pleased. Oh and for you Quakers out there. There will we a Quake 4.
i only like quake 2 the other quake games have no real point and they suck. Quake 2 actually has a plot and i love that intro cg movie they got. with confidence in you, and with the unbending determination of our people we will gain the inevitable triumph so help us god, so go fourth and kick ass soldiers!.
In RtCW they include experimental guns for WWII and the Germans were developing secretly. Im sure night vision was probably one tool they were working on, plus, I don't recall RtCW having nightvision o.o' Also, the multiplayer is so great because they have a separate company specifically assigned to make the multiplayer.