Spearhead will not install. -
11-10-2002, 11:06 AM
After I downloaded Spearhead from gigex.com, I was installing it, but the install program keeps freezing up. It always freezes up at the point where it is installing data1.hdp or some crap like that. Oh well, most people here say that it sucks anyway.
I dont get why lots of ppl dont like the exp...i love it, i think they did a good job....and it's gonna have a kick ass SP. The maps are really nice i think...i like the fact that they are big...some ppl dont though...The new weapons are nice and there are gonna be more when fulll version comes out and i think tug of war is an AWSOME mode...srry i am off subject hehe i just dont get why some ppl dont like it...
**Try d/ling it from another mirror than you did then maybe installation will work** eatthis: eatthis: eatthis:
Spearhead is sweet! Why do people keep putting it down? The only downside is because its only a demo and everyones playing it the server keeps lagging. But overall its a sweet demo. There gonna have some sweet SP missions too. I just dont get why people put it down.